Adoption Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Adopter InformationApplicant *FirstLastAgePhone *Email *OccupationEmployer(s)Do you have a spouse, partner or other person you would like to list on the application? *YesNoApplicant #2 *FirstLastAgePhoneEmailOccupationEmployer(s)Why do you want to own a Greyhound?What pets have you had in the past? Why are they no longer with you?Household DetailsAddress *City *State *Zip *Select your dwelling type1- Family Home2- Family HomeApartmentOtherDo you rent or own? *RentOwnDo you have a fenced in yard? (Invisible fences are not acceptable) *Yes, I have a fenced in yardNo, I don't have a fenced in yardWhat kind of fencing do you have installed? *4' Chain link fence6' Chain link fence4' Privacy Fence6' Privacy FenceOtherAre there stairs in your home that the dog will need to go up and down? *YesNoDo you live with children or will children frequently visit your home? *YesNoNumber of Children *Children's Ages *Do you have any other pets currently (cats, dogs, caged animals, outside animals)? Describe below, please include type, age, sex (spayed or neutered).Care SpecificsAre you willing and able to take the dog outside to relieve itself at least four to five times every day in all kinds of weather? *YesNoExplain briefly how you feel about walking a dog on a leash at all times when outside and not in a completely fenced in area.Do you promise to keep a collar, bearing identification, on the dog at all times, and further promise to notify Heartland Greyhound Adoption immediately if the dog should ever become lost? *YesNoDo you understand that greyhounds cannot be chained and left outside? *YesNoAre you fully aware of the fact that this dog's career as a racer is over, and that you will be unable to re-activate that career? *YesNoHave you carefully thought about your willingness and ability to financially care for your greyhound should it develop 'special needs' and require medical attention beyond the regular and routine health checkups, shots, and annual dental cleaning? *YesNoAre you prepared to include your greyhound in your home as a family member by providing a soft, cushioned bed on which it can rest; an elevated dish where it can eat and drink; a crate for security when you're away; a warm coat for the greyhound to wear in cold weather; a few toys for it to play with; and a soft, gentle voice and hand to earn the greyhound's love and devotion? *YesNoAre you prepared to obtain one of the two books recommended by Heartland Greyhound Adoption and to have read it prior to placement of your greyhound?YesNoVeterinarian InformationHave you already selected, or are currently using a veterinarian? *YesNoName *Phone *AddressCityStateZip CodeYou agree that this is a contract between you and Heartland Greyhound Adoption, and, as such, is binding. Do you agree to notify Heartland Greyhound Adoption if, for any reason, you find that you cannot keep your dog, and further agree that you will not give or sell the dog to anyone else without Heartland Greyhound Adoption's expressed and written consent? *I AgreeYou agree that Heartland Greyhound Adoption reserves the right at any point during the interview process, to deny an adoption if our required conditions are not met or information supplied is falsified. *I AgreePersonal ReferenceName *Phone *AddressCityStateZipWould you like to add a second reference? *YesNoPersonal Reference #2Name *Phone *AddressCityStateZip CodeDo you understand that your ownership of this dog will be subject to the conditions set forth in this application, and that if the dog is judged to be kept in an unacceptable fashion by Heartland Greyhound Adoption, Heartland Greyhound Adoption is entitled to regain ownership of the dog? *I UnderstandDo you have any additional information or comments you would like to share with us regarding your applicaiton?YesNoComments or additional informationWould you like to pay your application fee now via PayPal? *YesNoApplication FeePrice: $ 30.00MessageSubmit